
Superiority TC4 titanium rod casting

TC4 titanium rods titanium ingot production to be used as raw billet deformation, it can be processed into various types of semi-finished and finished products. Another important use is as a producing titanium master alloy castings, alloy castings currently recognized in the application and development of aviation, shipbuilding and petrochemical sectors rapidly, because, compared to TC4 titanium rod forgings, castings formed directly, thereby shortening Fung part of the production cycle and simplify the process, improve the finished product rate, so the cost significantly.
TC4 titanium rod is cast need to vacuum arc skull furnace, which is to make titanium was water-cooled copper crucible itself in the wall of a layer of condensate shell that separates the liquid titanium and copper crucible, the crucible to prevent material alloy pollution. TC4 titanium rod casting mold should be chosen with special materials, such as commonly used refractory magnesia (MgO), corundum (Al2O3), zirconium sand (Zr2O3), quartz sand (Si02), etc., at 1800 ℃ TC Titanium can and dramatic effect. Currently TC4 titanium rod casting mold is mainly used graphite type, including the machining of graphite, investment casting graphite; tamping graphite, pyrolytic graphite type. There are also application type calcium oxide, metal and ceramic refractory entirely like.
The most commonly used cast titanium alloy mostly using the same ingredients and deformation, such as TA7 and TC4, with its crystal spacing is small (40 to 80 ℃), small (0.5-1.5%), linear shrinkage, and high heat cracking performance, and therefore have a good process of cast iron. Health strict in order to overcome the disadvantage of feeding capacity was due to a small proportion of titanium, overheating caused by poor low, often using centrifugal casting.
Cast TC4 titanium rod Another - the advantage is very close to the deformation of the mechanical properties of Titanium Sheet Metal Price and heat resistance and fracture toughness than conventional production also TC4 titanium rod forgings, so the development of broad prospects.

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