
What is titanium composite sheet?

Titanium composite plate is made of titanium and other metals through a special process different explosive welding composite, it has an economic, high-performance and other notable features, widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, salt, alkali and other industrial production , customers get the recognition and produced a huge social and economic benefits.
Cladding process of combination of metal materials have a wide range of adaptability, since the strength between the metal vary widely, expansion coefficient, melting and other characteristics of the performance each other, so can be combined into one. In the composite state form a continuous metallurgical bonding, and in essence does not change its original chemical composition of each metal material, structure and corrosion resistance, strength titanium plate for aerospace  composite plate bonding method is superior to other solid state product obtained.
Process: raw materials - Early treatment - explosive cladding - Heat treatment - Straightening - Cut - after treatment - test - Packaging - storage.

