
Titanium used in steel-making and dyeing

Titanium has a very wide range of applications in steelmaking. Titanium compound at high temperatures have a strong capability, because of this characteristic, in steel when nitrogen is easy to dissolve in the steel water, when the molten steel cooled and they will form pores in the ingot, affecting the quality of steel. So the molten steel to titanium powder into Riga, and nitrification it into slag (- titanium nitride), floating in the molten steel surface, so that the ingot is more pure. In many grades of steel Grade 1 Titanium Foil  also added to increase the toughness of the steel, wherein the stainless steel is added titanium metal.
The application of titanium oxide. Titanium oxide (titanium dioxide), is a white powder, it is often referred to as titanium dioxide, a white pigment is good. In ancient times, people mining titanium, its main purpose is to obtain titanium dioxide printing. Strong adhesion of titanium dioxide, chemical change is not easy, permanent snow white, and titanium dioxide is non-toxic. A high melting point of titanium dioxide, are used to make fire-resistant glass, clay, and other high-temperature vessels.


What is titanium composite sheet?

Titanium composite plate is made of titanium and other metals through a special process different explosive welding composite, it has an economic, high-performance and other notable features, widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, salt, alkali and other industrial production , customers get the recognition and produced a huge social and economic benefits.
Cladding process of combination of metal materials have a wide range of adaptability, since the strength between the metal vary widely, expansion coefficient, melting and other characteristics of the performance each other, so can be combined into one. In the composite state form a continuous metallurgical bonding, and in essence does not change its original chemical composition of each metal material, structure and corrosion resistance, strength titanium plate for aerospace  composite plate bonding method is superior to other solid state product obtained.
Process: raw materials - Early treatment - explosive cladding - Heat treatment - Straightening - Cut - after treatment - test - Packaging - storage.


The performance comparison of titanium steel composite board

Titanium clad steel plate is the use of explosive welding composite processing method to get a new type of composite structure. Corrosion resistance, heat resistance and other special properties it has a titanium cladding material, but also has the hardness, strength, wear-resistant properties of steel base construction. Titanium clad steel plate having considerable economic and good overall physical properties. Economic advantages of titanium steel clad plate is particularly evident, it is compared with a single metal titanium or steel cladding small thickness, its thickness can be reduced, so that you can greatly reduce the cost of materials and the amount of investment.
Structural titanium clad steel plate as an ideal corrosion-resistant, high strength, etc. of material suitable for use in the petroleum, chemical, electrolytic, light industry, smelting, desalination, water conservancy and hydropower, nuclear power and other industrial fields. TC Titanium clad steel plate thanks to an explosion of metal complexes, steel base layer thickness ratio between the titanium cladding layer according to the design, the requirements of use to select. For special sizes of Powder coating titanium clad steel plate can be determined through consultations in order to meet different customer needs.


Analysis: titanium rod conversion formula

We all know that "titanium bolts, titanium rods, titanium shaped pieces"? In fact the main material for these products is derived from a name of 'titanium' metal to the elements. It is grayed out, atomic number 22, relative atomic mass 47.87. And it in nitrogen combustion, high melting point. Wherein the titanium rods, its conversion formulas we do not know understand how much?
Note: the diameter d, the density p, the length l
Mass m = π (d / 2) ^ 2 * l * p
Reference density 4.51g / cm3
Take your millimeters, it should be m = 0.0354d ^ 2 * l
For example 65 mm titanium bar stock mass m = 0.0354 * 65 ^ 2 * l = 149.58 * l
That is, every centimeter 149.58g
The above conversion formula Titanium round bar, it is worth learning from. For blunt titanium and titanium-based alloy is a new structural materials, mainly for the aerospace industry and the maritime industry. It is said, from the discovery of titanium element to obtain the finished product, which lasted a hundred years. The titanium really get use to recognize the true face of its original, it should be attributed to something in the past of the 1940s.


Titanium City, was optimistic about the implementation of standards titanium rod

In recent years, a number of titanium products, such as titanium bolts, titanium rods, titanium shaped pieces and so on, most of them used in aerospace, industrial, military and medical. Mainly due to the excellent characteristics of titanium is extremely stable, so the magnitude of the titanium market is relatively somewhat promising.
Titanium has a considerable hardness, although not as high-grade heat-treated steel. But it does not have the magnetic, thermal, and at the same time is a poor conductor. However, when using mechanical treatment requires attention, because they do not use sharp tools and proper cooling techniques, titanium will soften, and leave the indentation. Like steel structures, like titanium structure is also fatigue limit. Therefore, some applications can ensure durability. Stiffness than the titanium tubing for sale are generally inferior to other materials aluminum and carbon fiber, so fewer applications requiring high stiffness of the structure.