
Application of titanium in the satellite control system

 Satellite control system is to control the satellite in space flight path and attitude, it is a satellite of the brain called. In this system, defend, also uses a titanium alloy.
    (1) Titanium cylinder
     Astm F67 Titanium Foil  gas version in the satellite project application earlier, since these cylinders belong pressure vessels, so the material requirements, in addition to the requirements of Section materials have high strength, high toughness, but also called for inclusion of materials and other defects to be strictly control.
    (2) actuator with titanium tube
    Titanium tube actuator is for satellite attitude control engine fuel delivery pipe, corrosion-resistant material requirements only to fuel the media, but also require pipes to be airtight
Good, and nonporous, and inclusions such as pinholes. Especially on the inner surface of the pipe more stringent requirements, does not allow cracks, pits and other defects, surface scratches may not be greater than 0.03mm. If the inner surface is not smooth, as long as the residual dust or other particles 0.05mm shell size, it could result in clogged pipeline accidents.
    (3) titanium clad steel self-locking valve
    Self-locking valve control other large-capacity communications satellite system, in addition to the requirements of the material has good shear strength, fatigue, impact toughness outside. Also requires weld tightness and corrosion resistance. Given this situation, the design chosen titanium - stainless steel explosion composites, but still need to resolve the connection of dissimilar metals.


Electrolytic refining titanium tube technology issues

After studying the literature, we did not use a non-aqueous medium and low temperature electrolysis of aqueous medium titanium tube method. Studied only the alkali metal and alkaline earth metal chlorides and fluorides, and the dissolved salt melt titanium compound. We know that, in 600 a 900 ℃ titanium when gas elements (oxygen, nitrogen) having a high reactivity, these impurities affect the mechanical properties of metallic titanium, taking into account the impurities in the electrochemical process Basking melt transfer medium titanium tube into the possibility of precipitation on the cathode, so we set ourselves a task - to establish the cell, in this cell to be able to ensure reliable inert atmosphere and to eliminate the possibility of external impurities dirty electrolytes . In principle the use of certain widely used in modern technology, we are in the future and how long the test after a long search, the design and manufacture of a large-scale experimental device, which can solve the problems in the purity titanium electrolysis using the relevant type electrolyte melt. In this device all determine titanium electrolysis process planning major test tube. Only in individual cases, in order to identify some of the problems, and only then move to a small laboratory test device.
    In order to select an electrolytic refining process of titanium, titanium test various compounds. Electrolysis of titanium trichloride, titanium tetrachloride, titanium potassium fluoride and titanium dioxide.
    Titanium trichloride having high solubility in the alkali metal chloride electrolyte into the shaped body. When the melt lift trichloride concentration - the timing of the electrolysis; cathodic electrolysis on the metal precipitated titanium, and deposited on the anode chlorine, of titanium ingot taken out from the electrolytic cell, and chlorine is here and after hydrogen supplied to the anode combine into hydrogen chloride.
    Because in the high-temperature electrolysis hydrogen bad, so start looking for other low-cost method of producing chloride in the melt. Has determined that if the current through the graphite tube along, through the graphite tube steam supply TiCli, the current can disintegration of titanium tetrachloride reduction.


Cast titanium tubes embedded in the material performance requirements

In order to obtain good medical casting Size casting titanium tube to embedding material expansion and thermal expansion compensation hardened metal casting contraction, is the most commonly used method.  titanium tubing grades  casting line shrinkage rate of 0.9-1.0%, and called for a total expansion of titanium tube when casting embedded material must be able to compensate for this range of metal shrinkage, and in principle, with the cast titanium tube system embedded material not mix. Therefore, the choice of cast titanium with embedded material conditions must have the following conditions:
    1. rarely react with titanium.
    2. Good surface properties can be obtained.
    3. The casting is not contaminated.
    4. Compensation titanium tube contraction moderate swell.


Embedding material impact on the physical and chemical properties of titanium tube casting quality

Embedding material as titanium tube casting molding materials, has been cast alloy tube technology research important issue. As we all know, the chemical nature of the high temperature titanium incredibly lively, very easily oxidized, easy embedding material response.
TC Titanium pipe foundry casting process often incomplete and internal porosity phenomenon, the main reason except titanium tubes at high temperature nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen has a strong affinity and embedding material response, the embedding material titanium tube permeability is an important factor affecting the quality of castings.


Beneficial properties and research in the field of titanium tubes

Because  Titanium tube fittings  in the aviation, aerospace application of achievements, but also attracted the dedicated and imaginative world of scientists and engineers handsome, prompting them through discussions and meetings, such as symposia, technical exchange meetings, international conferences, etc. to exchange information and to develop further plans. Undoubtedly, titanium tube study the nature and new applications will certainly be beneficial.
Clearly, titanium tube in the energy and industrial applications due to the aviation, aerospace industry has achieved. So, in the future they are also able to support each other in those areas? This can be transformed or two aspects to consider the exchange of information from the titanium tube industry's future development as well as technology.